We Are Purpose Driven.


LBMC is the largest professional service solutions provider based in Tennessee. With offices in Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina, LBMC服务大约11个,000 clients with diverse needs across a spectrum of industries; however, we didn’t start that way.

LBMC成立于1984年,是一家传统的会计师事务所,其使命很简单:为一大群客户提供服务,并从中获得乐趣. Almost 40 years later, loving what we do and who we do it for has taken us a long way. LBMC被评为全国50强公司之一.

Today, 我们已经成为金融行业的领导者, human resources, technology, information security, and wealth advisory services backed by more than 850 team members – not because a business plan told us to be, 而是因为我们是企业家,明升体育app下载客户要求我们这样做.

通过所有的成长和变化, one defining trait has always remained the same: the genuine southern hospitality we bring to every client.

Seek, adventure, wonder: we encourage you to advance your mission into the world.

We will be your bedrock, 提供世界一流的会计和咨询服务的基础,使您所有的最大计划成为可能.

What is LBMC?

是否需要补充或外包单个功能, 需要一个可以信任的盟友来帮你纳税, 或者是在市场上寻求综合性商业解决方案的合作伙伴, LBMC是您的业务所需要的.


As visionaries, we see the world as a system and are attracted to the things that will enable us to change, transform, and heal it. 我们承诺为我们所做的每件事带来一种转变感, 总是随着新的愿景和实践不断发展和移动.

As trailblazers, we always see an open road and are attracted to experiences that make us and our clients feel independent and free. 我们承诺提出问题,挑战极限,超越界限.

正如明升体育app下载“最佳工作场所”称号所示, LBMC致力于吸引和留住全国最优秀的人才, positioning ourselves to best serve clients with the industry’s brightest minds.

说实话,我们无法想象以其他方式做生意. 明升体育app下载信念是为每一位客户提供专注的个人关注,这使我们能够保持地区性公司的响应能力, 同时提供国家供应商的专业知识. For us, a high standard of service isn’t just a priority — it’s a non-negotiable. 这一承诺使我们受益匪浅. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive fix or to outsource a single function, LBMC’s Family of Companies can provide the business solutions you need to thrive.




(March 14, 2024) – LBMC, 全国首屈一指的会计和商业咨询公司, 自豪地宣布它被命名为 2024年《明升app》全国最佳推荐公司. 这一认可包括LBMC在《明升app》的前100强中被列入两个类别:美国最受推荐的税务公司和美国最受推荐的会计师事务所.

“我们很荣幸能在《明升app》的首届榜单上获得这一殊荣, and we extend our congratulations to the team for their exceptional performance. 这一荣誉凸显了LBMC对客户的重大影响, staff, 以及我们在会计方面的专业知识. This recognition is even more meaningful knowing it is based on endorsements from our clients and peers,” said Jim MeadeLBMC PC的首席执行官兼管理股东.

USA Today, 与Statista合作, 著名的独立市场研究机构和统计数据提供商, 创立了百强律所榜单. This rigorous process involved a comprehensive survey among tax and accounting professionals and their clientele. 同事们被问及,在他们自己的公司无法获得支持的情况下,他们会支持哪些公司, while clients were asked to nominate firms based on their professional dealings over the past three years. The outcome, 排名前100的税务和会计事务所, 取决于同行和客户的综合推荐.

In addition to receiving the USA Today award, LBMC was recently named again as a 纳什维尔商业杂志最大的会计师事务所在今年的榜单上排名第二.

《明升体育app下载》杂志最佳咨询工作场所 & Professional Services

《明升体育app下载》杂志和伟大的工作场所® 将LBMC评为2023年咨询行业最佳工作场所 & Professional Services


(Dec. 14, 2023) – Great Place to Work® 和《明升体育app下载》杂志 LBMC是美国顶尖的会计和商业咨询公司 2023年《明升体育app下载》最佳咨询工作场所 & Professional Services list. Earning a spot on this prestigious list means LBMC is one of the best companies to work for in the nation, coming in at No. 在中小型企业类别中有27家.

咨询行业的最佳工作场所 & 专业服务奖的竞争非常激烈, 基于超过127人的回答,000 employees from Great Place To Work-Certified companies in the consulting and professional services industry. LBMC也被评为国家级 获得认证的最佳工作场所 for the fourth consecutive year.

These awards are based on what current team members say about their experience working at LBMC. This year, 93% 一名团队成员表示,LBMC是一个工作的好地方 比美国平均水平高出36分.S. company.

伟大的工作场所是关于工作场所文化的全球权威, employee experience, 领导行为被证明能够带来市场领先的收入, 留住员工和增加创新. 去年,最佳工作场所调查了雇佣7名员工的公司.5 million people in the U.S. and received 1.3 million survey responses.

“我们很荣幸今年被《明升体育app下载》和《明升app》认可,并感谢我们优秀的团队成员, 没有他,就不可能获得这些奖项,” said Jeff Drummonds, LBMC’s CEO. “这些区别证明了我们为员工提供一个培养强烈归属感、鼓励个人和职业发展的环境所做的努力, while affirming our ongoing commitment to support and make each other successful. 明升体育app下载团队成员在帮助客户成长的同时也能蓬勃发展,这是明升体育app下载荣幸.”

“卓越工作场所认证是一项令人梦寐以求的成就,它需要始终如一地、有意地为员工的整体体验做出贡献,” says Sarah Lewis-Kulin, 卓越工作场所全球认可副总裁. 她强调,认证是通过员工对公司文化的实时反馈而获得的唯一官方认可. “通过成功获得这种认可, 很明显,LBMC是最值得为之工作的公司之一, 为员工提供良好的工作环境.”

According to 最佳工作场所研究, job seekers are 4.在经过认证的优秀工作场所找到优秀经理的可能性要高出5倍,在经过认证的工作场所找到优秀经理的可能性要高出93%.

We’re Growing
希望在一家以人为本的公司发展自己的事业? Visit our careers page.

最佳工作场所®认证™是企业渴望获得的最权威的“首选雇主”认可. 这是唯一一种完全基于员工报告的工作经历的认可, 他们对高信任度工作环境的体验有多稳定. 卓越工作场所认证在全球范围内受到员工和雇主的认可,是识别和认可优秀员工体验的全球基准. Every year, more than 10,来自60个国家的000家公司申请获得“最佳工作场所”认证.

About Great Place to Work®
作为全球职场文化权威, 伟大的工作场所®带来了30年的开创性研究和数据,帮助每个地方成为一个伟大的工作场所. Their proprietary platform and For All™ Model helps companies evaluate the experience of every employee, 典范的工作场所获得了“最佳工作场所”认证,或获得了令人垂涎的“最佳工作场所”榜单的认可. Learn more at greatplacetowork.com.


LBMC Recognized as 2023年最佳私营企业榜单; Named Top Firm in Nation

LBMC Recognized as 2023 私营公司最佳商业指南; Named Top Firm in Nation

(June 15, 2023)LBMC, a leading accounting, 全国顾问和商业咨询公司, 再次证明了其卓越的承诺,被评为 2023年最佳私营企业榜单. This prestigious award celebrates companies that exhibit exceptional performance in service, growth, innovation and strategy, 作为行业内其他人的开拓者.  

LBMC最近获得了一系列的荣誉,这些荣誉突出了该公司的持续增长和行业领导地位. 《明升体育app下载》认可LBMC为 Top 100 Firm for 2023, 该公司在全国排名第35位,并获得了第1名. 3点在东南地区. LBMC also secured the No. 2 spot on the 纳什维尔商业杂志的2023最大的会计师事务所在纳什维尔 名单,进一步巩固了其在当地的地位. 

We are honored to receive these prestigious awards, both nationally and within our local community,” said Jeff Drummonds他是LBMC的管理合伙人兼首席执行官. “这些第三方认可证明了我们在团队成员的个人和专业成长方面所做的投资,并证明了我们始终如一地为尊贵的客户提供无与伦比的服务和专业知识. LBMC领导团队衷心感谢明升体育app下载团队成员为明升体育app下载行业树立了黄金标准,并感谢明升体育app下载客户继续信任LBMC.” 



(February 13, 2023) - LBMC很高兴地宣布,它已被命名为一个 2023年福布斯美国最佳税务和会计事务所. This is the third year in a row for LBMC to be recognized on Forbes’ prestigious list, 再次成为美国顶级税务和会计师事务所.S.

这个备受尊敬的奖项由福布斯和Statista公司共同颁发.,全球领先的统计门户网站和行业排名提供商. 《明升体育app下载》和Statista通过一项独立调查创造了这份榜单, 获奖者是根据参与者(同行和客户)推荐的数量以及其他公司数据来决定的. LBMC是少数同时上榜的精英律所之一, out of approximately 30,总共有000人参加,4,500 final recommendations.

“我们很荣幸今年再次被《明升体育app下载》评为全美最佳税务和会计事务所之一,” said Jeff Drummonds, LBMC’s CEO. “我们感谢客户和同行的建议,重申了我们提供卓越服务和专业知识的文化. Our clients need trusted advisors who can provide unique solutions to help them grow, 我们感谢他们对明升体育app下载信任.”

LBMC Named to Inc. Best in Business List

(January 31, 2023) – LBMC已被命名为新发布的 Inc. 2022 Best in Business list in the Management Consulting category for the Community Development Area of Impact. Now in its third year, Inc.’s Best in Business Awards honor companies that have made an extraordinary impact in their fields and on society.

该榜单可在《明升体育app下载》冬季刊上找到. magazine, recognizes the most dynamic companies that have had an outstanding influence on their communities, their industries, the environment, or society as a whole. LBMC从竞争激烈的数千名申请者中脱颖而出,并被评为社区发展领域五大影响力之一.

“我们很荣幸被认可为 Inc. Best in Business 在社区发展领域的影响,”他说 Jeff Drummonds, LBMC’s CEO. “明升体育app下载团队成员获得了这一杰出的荣誉, 谁会竭尽全力回馈客户, peers, 社区年复一年. 我很自豪能成为公司的一员,公司的文化从根本上与赋予和提升我们工作的社区联系在一起, live and serve. 祝贺明升体育app下载团队成员. magazine recognition.”

“Inc. magazine is dedicated to showcasing America’s most dynamic businesses and the great things they do. “最佳商业奖”让人们看到了那些已经超越了最初的社会使命的公司, 环境或经济影响, 使周围的人受益,” said Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc.

而不是依赖与销售或资金挂钩的定量标准.《明升体育app下载》的编辑们回顾了这些公司在过去一年里取得的成就,并指出它们是如何给世界带来积极影响的. They then selected honorees in 55 different categories – from advertising to sustainability to retail, and more – and in age-based, revenue-based, size-based, and impact-based categories. The applicant pool was extremely competitive – a huge success for the 241 honored in the list’s third year. Honorees for gold, silver, bronze, and general excellence across industries and categories are featured online at inc.com/best-in-business.


Accounting Today Names LBMC Top 32 Firm in Nation, Top Regional Firm for 2022

(April 22, 2022) – LBMC, 全国顶尖的咨询和商业咨询公司, 自豪地宣布它被命名为 会计今日2022年百强公司名单. LBMC在《明升体育app下载》的著名榜单上跃升至第32位, 哪个机构每年根据收入对公司进行排名. LBMC公布了2013年的收入同比增长.48% and was also named No. 3 in the Southeast. 该奖项是在LBMC因其25%的增长而被评为2021年全国增长领头羊的第三名之后获得的.

在其年度百强公司报告中, Accounting Today 表彰LBMC增加了一项国际税务服务,并围绕增长和创新战略提供了新的咨询业务. LBMC还被《明升体育app下载》评为科技领域最佳公司.

LBMC最近也被命名为 获得2022年最佳工作场所认证 这是连续第二年, based on 91% of team members who said LBMC is a great place to work – 32 points higher than the average U.S. company.

该公司获得的其他认可包括排名第一. 3 on the 纳什维尔商业杂志2022年纳什维尔最大的会计师事务所 名单和赢得位置 福布斯2022年美国最佳税务和会计师事务所榜单.

“We are honored to be recognized on Accounting Today’s esteemed lists again this year,” said Jeff Drummonds他是LBMC的管理合伙人兼首席执行官. “LBMC is proud of our growth as a southeast firm even as we grow nationally based on our service offerings. 这些排名不仅证明了我们致力于为客户提供卓越和可行的服务解决方案, 但作为对我们雇佣的专业人士的有力认可. 我们将继续专注于招聘人才, 随着我们不断扩大的服务和团队成员, we are in a great position to offer solutions that meet and exceed our clients’ needs.”


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LBMC’s Mission and Vision

  • LBMC’s mission is to be the top choice for colleagues and clients.
  • LBMC’s vision is to 产生持续的积极影响 对明升体育app下载客户、同事和社区.

明升体育app下载愿景决定了明升体育app下载目标,明升体育app下载价值观决定了明升体育app下载目标. 明升体育app下载价值观不仅仅是一系列预期的方向. 它们是我们作为一家公司赖以生存和工作的准则.

  1. TRUST ——我们相互信任、尊重、支持
  2. ENTREPRENEURIAL – We are open to change and embrace new/different ideas to create opportunities.
  3. TEAMWORK -我们作为一个整体,拥抱明升体育app下载个性.
  4. BALANCE – We strive to strike a balance to make a good living and live an abundant life.
  5. COMMITMENT – We are accountable to each other, ourselves, and our clients every day to make things happen.
  6. INTEGRITY -我们为正确的理由做正确的事.

Learn more about our culture.

Our History

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Our History

  • 1984:公司随会计服务事务所组建而成立. 拉蒂莫·布莱克·摩根和凯恩,政正.
  • 1986: Family Office founded
  • 1992:新增福利计划管理
  • 1994公司增加了商业估值服务和诉讼支持
  • 1996: LBMC adds Payroll Outsourcing, State and Local Tax services and Network Engineering.
  • 1996: LBMC Technologies(现为Technology Solutions)成立
  • 1997:添加了业务应用程序服务
  • 1998: Strategic Staffing (now Staffing Solutions), Investment Advisors and Employment Partners founded
  • 2000: Firm adds IT Assurance services, Healthcare Consulting, LIFO Services and Merger and Acquisitions
  • 2004: Risk Services founded
  • 2005:收购了Knoxville-based IT Solutions
  • 2007: Merger with McWilliams & Company in Knoxville
  • 2007: Merger with Petty & Landis (P&L) in Chattanooga
  • 2009: Managed Security Services(现为CyberMaxx)成立
  • 2014:医师商业解决方案公司成立
  • 2015杰夫·德拉蒙兹成为管理合伙人.
  • 2017:收购Brentwood的W Squared
  • 2019:在Brentwood收购Think Data Insights
  • 2020: LBMC Technology Solutions与InterDyn Artis合并
  • 2021:公司增加增长和创新. CyberMaxx被Periscope Equity收购
  • 2023: Strothman & 总部位于肯塔基州路易斯维尔的会计师事务所加入了LBMC.